Things to do before you go
- Update your contact details.
- Sign up for Mobile, Online and Telephone Banking.
- Review your accounts with us.
Check your tax status
If you haven't already, please visit HMRC for more information on any change to your tax status while you're away. Or you can call HMRC on (+44) 135 535 9022.
Fees and charges abroad
You may be charged fees if you use your debit or credit card abroad. Find out more about fees and charges for debit and credit cards on our travelling page.
We're unable to send cards, PINs, cheques and statements to some high-risk or remote countries. If this affects you, please contact us.
Contact us
If you need to contact us from a different country, please call the number on the back of your card. Or you can call (+44) 1908 237 963 or 0330 9 123 123 to speak to a member of our team. Our opening hours are from 8am-6pm, 7 days a week.
If you’re moving to or from an overseas address we’ll need you to print off our form, fill it in and post it to us.
What you’ll need
- Our change of details form (PDF - 364 KB)
- A valid form of ID
- Proof of your change of address
Click 'A valid form of ID' to see which ID documents we accept from lists 1 and 2. If you don't have the documents from these lists, we can accept the foreign equivalents of these documents:
- utility bill (including council tax)
- bank statements (including mortgage statement), or
- HMRC correspondence.
Please arrange translation of these documents before posting them to us.
Please post your change of details form with a copy of your ID and proof of address to:
Santander Banking
Sunderland SR43 4FP
It's important that you make sure your contact details are up-to-date, so that we can contact you while you are abroad.
The easiest way to instantly change your personal details (including your telephone number and email address) is using Online Banking
If you’re a current account or savings customer you can contact us
Or you can visit one of our branches. You'll need to download, print off and complete a change of details form (PDF - 364 KB) and take it to your local branch with relevant documentation.
Find out more about changing your personal details
Before you leave you should sign up for Online, Mobile and Telephone Banking as they'll help you manage your accounts while you're abroad.
Go to the Online Banking page for more information on Online Banking and how to register. Once registered, you can also set up handy account alerts to keep you up to date on your accounts.
If you're already registered for Online Banking, you'll find details on how to set up your alert service in the 'Account Services' tab.
To sign up for Telephone Banking contact us
Moving abroad could impact the benefits on your accounts and methods of repayments. You should read the information below carefully to understand the impact on your accounts by moving abroad.
Impact of moving abroad on accounts
General |
Credit cards |
We'll no longer be able to agree:
1|2|3 Credit Card |
We'll no longer be able to agree:
1|2|3 Current Account & 1|2|3 Lite Current Account |
Santander Edge current account & Santander Edge Up current account |
Debit cards |
Fixed Rate Bonds |
Cash ISAs, investments ISAs and investments |
Personal Loans |
Insurance |
Mortgages |