Account alerts

Changes to Account alerts

If you've registered for some alerts on a Personal current account or savings account, from 12 May 2025 we'll stop sending them.

We’re doing this because you can get a more detailed view of your account activity with Mobile or Online Banking.

We’ll stop sending these alerts if:

  • your account balance falls below a limit you’ve set
  • your account balance goes above a limit you’ve set
  • you pay more into your account than a limit you’ve set
  • you take more money out of your account than a limit you’ve set
  • weekly account balances and transactions.


Here are some other ways you can keep up to date with your accounts:


If you’ve registered to receive them, we’ll still send you other alerts. For example, if your account balance is close to your overdraft limit, or we’ve refused a payment due to a lack of funds.

If you’ve also got a Business current account or savings account, we’ll stop sending you these alerts from 12 May 2025.

Keep an eye out for new options coming soon to help you keep track of your account activity like push notifications.

Our free text and email alerts let you stay up-to-date with what's happening in your accounts. You can receive alerts by text, email, or both, for your current account, savings account and credit cards. See the different types of alerts below.

If you choose text alerts, we may use ‘push notifications’ to send them to you. These are messages that automatically pop up on your phone or device to let you know when certain things happen in your account. To get them in this way, you’ll need to download Mobile Banking, then log on and enable notifications. 

You can manage your alert settings and set up new alerts by:

  • Using Online Banking (log on, click ‘Account services’, then ‘Account alerts’ on the left-hand side and follow the steps). If you're not yet using Online Banking you can sign up today
  • Visiting your local branch
  • You can also contact us

You can also see your alerts on Mobile Banking, find out more about Mobile Banking

You'll be automatically registered for some alerts (credit card and current account customers only), find out more about these below. You can also set up other types of alerts and you have the option to opt out of some alerts. You can do either of these in Online Banking, in our branches or by contacting us

To set up account alerts:

  1. log on to Online Banking 
  2. click the 'Account services' tab
  3. click 'Account alerts' on the left-hand side
  4. choose your account from the drop-down menu
  5. pick the alerts you'd like to receive. 

Setting up push notifications

If you already have push notifications enabled for Mobile Banking you don’t need to do anything else. If you haven’t set up push notifications or you’re not sure how to do it, simply:

  1. Log on to Mobile Banking 
  2. Tap on 'Menu'
  3. Tap on 'settings'
  4. Choose 'Manage notifications'
  5. Turn on push notifications using the toggle switch.

Once you’ve set up push notifications, you should start to get them within 24 hours.

You can log on to Online Banking to set up, amend or cancel the alerts we send and change your notification preferences any time you like.

Managing your alerts

If you don’t have push notifications set up or don’t want them, we’ll send you alerts about your account through text messages. We can only guarantee delivery to customers who are in the UK with a UK registered number (+44).

If you turn off push notifications, then your phone or device will block any alerts that were due to be sent to you in the next 24 hours. 

Current accounts

Overdraft alerts to help you avoid charges, for example, a payment has been refused or you need to pay money in to cover a payment.

We’ll also automatically register you for free alerts about your overdraft usage. 

The alerts will let you know when you’ve entered your arranged overdraft.

We’ll send your alerts as texts to the mobile number you’ve registered with us, so please make sure it’s up-to-date. We can only guarantee delivery to customers who are in the UK with a UK registered number (+44). If you have Mobile Banking we may also choose to send you alerts as notifications there.

We'll no longer automatically register accounts to receive unarranged overdraft  alerts by email but if you already do, this will continue.

Once your account has been set up you can customise your alerts in Online Banking. We have to send some alerts for regulatory reasons. We'll give you the option to opt out of any other alerts. You can opt out in Online Banking, by calling us or by visiting your local branch.

Credit cards

When nearing your credit limit to help you avoid fees, and we’ll send you other messages to notify you of certain activity on your account.

We'll alert you So you can take the following action
When you receive a payment over an amount you chooseYou can plan your spending and know when your payments arrive.
If your balance falls below an amount you choose.You can move money to cover a payment or discuss your overdraft or savings options with us.
If your balance goes above an amount you choose.You can stay on top of your money and think about your savings options. 
If a debit, equal to or above an amount you set, is made.You have the peace of mind of knowing that payments have gone through and you can tell us if you spot any fraudulent activity on your account. 
To show your weekly balance and recent transactions.You can plan your spending and know how much money is in your account.
To show your closing balance from your last credit card statement.You can make sure to have enough money left for future spending or to make additional payments towards your outstanding balance. 
We'll alert youSo you can take the following action 
  • If your account balance is close to your overdraft limit
  • If your account balance or remaining overdraft won’t be enough to cover a standing order, Direct Debit or scheduled payment that is due to go out shortly
  • If a payment hasn’t been paid because you didn’t have enough money in your account
You can move some money into your account or discuss your overdraft options with us. 
If a payment that was authorised by you has been paid even though you had insufficient funds.You can transfer money to bring your account back into credit, or into your arranged overdraft, by 8pm on the same day to avoid incurring fees.
If the amount available to spend on your credit card falls below 10% of your credit limit.You can make a payment or discuss your credit limit options with us.
If your credit card bill is due to be paid.You can plan in advance and make sure you pay your bill on time.

Where not required for regulatory purposes, we’ll give you the option to opt out. Once registered, you can opt out using Online Banking, by calling us or visiting your local branch.    

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