Supporting you and your business. It Starts Here.
Worried about how rising costs could affect your business? We’re working hard to make sure you and your business get the support you need.

Managing economic uncertainty
The last couple of years have been difficult, and now we're seeing rising costs impacting businesses.
We’re hearing from our clients about the growing impact of the current economic uncertainty on their businesses. They talk to us about the challenges presented by rising energy costs, increasing input prices, logistics and transportation challenges, as well as an increasingly competitive market for staff. We’re all living through uncertain times and our priority is to do what we can to support you and your business.

SME Support Toolkit
We've put all our tools, tips and best practice for business owners in one place. If you need help managing resources, strategy or risk, it's easy to find what you need.

Protecting your cashflow
Read the guidance from the Small Business Commissioner on prompt payment and invoicing best practice.

Business energy advice
Energy is essential for most businesses, from working laptops or factory machinery to lighting and heating your office space.
Supporting you and your finances. It Starts Here.
If you're a business or a personal customer and money is a bit of a struggle for you at the moment, you’re not alone. We know getting to grips with your finances isn’t easy, and we’re here to help.
For business support visit our Breakthrough Resources Hub. If you need help with personal accounts, visit our if finances are a struggle page for a list of all the help we, and others, can offer.
STOP! Fraud prevention tips for your business.
Fraud can happen to any business. So we’ve created some videos of our top tips to help you protect your business.
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