Key features
- We provide financing at all debt levels from £500,000 to over £100 million, through our Regional and Corporate Network
- Bespoke funding packages
- A variety of Leverages and Amortisation Profiles (including interest only) available
- Standard Loan Terms up to five years (seven years available under exceptional circumstances)
- All Real Estate Sectors and UK locations considered
- Portfolio and Single asset facilities
- Commercial developments considered
- A variety of SPV structures considered
- Treasury Risk service included
Our facilities
- Senior debt for Commercial and Residential investment property term loans Transactional banking and deposit services
- Revolving Lines of credit
- Acquisition Lines
- Treasury Risk solutions
How we could help you
Each client has a dedicated Relationship Director who is the point of contact for all banking requirements, resulting in a more detailed understanding of the client’s business. This allows us to structure deals to meet client requirements and facilitate their business plans – whether they need a constant cash return to investors, a steady flow of capital for capex works or quick responses on property substitutions/disposals. Through our strong relationships and knowledge we are able to provide timely responses to facility proposals and our networks of real estate professionals enable us to complete facilities in tight timeframes.