Our Corporate Business Centres
We aim to provide:

Automatic doors

Level access in our main reception areas

Hearing loops

Sign language interpreters upon request

A friendly team to support you when you visit a Centre
We book sign language interpreters through Action On Hearing Loss. We aim to arrange this as soon as possible. It usually takes around two weeks, depending on the availability of an interpreter in your area.
If you’d prefer to arrange your own professional interpreter please let us know. We’ll cover any professional charges for using your own interpreter. Or, if you have a family member or close friend who can interpret for you, they would also be welcomed.
We may be able to provide alternative communication methods for you and your business. If this is needed, please contact us or speak to your Relationship Team.
Visits to your business
If you or anyone else in your business has any form of disability that makes it difficult to visit a Corporate Business Centre, please speak to your Relationship Team. We're happy to come out to see you at your own premises or a mutually convenient location.
Ways to bank with Santander
We may be able to provide alternative communication methods for you and your business. If this is required, please contact us or speak to your Relationship Team.