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Direction of the pound

Stuart Bennett, Head of Foreign Exchange Strategy (Santander Corporate & Investment Banking), gives his view on the pound and where it might go from here. 

Bank of England base rate

Adam Dent, UK Chief Rates Strategist (Santander Corporate & Investment Banking) gives his view on the future of the Bank of England base rate.

UK economy

Gabriella Willis, UK Economist (Santander Corporate & Investment Banking) gives her view on the outlook of the UK economy.

Vimto fizz into new markets with our connections

Nichols plc were looking to expand into new markets and needed help making local connections. So, we introduced them to our digital platform called Santander Navigator.

Santander Navigator saved them time finding the right people to speak to. This included a potential new distributor, who was able to share deeper insights into the market. Nichols plc were also able to benefit from further support via trade checklists, events, and training information.