The history of Santander in the UK
Since its entry into the UK market in November 2004, Santander UK has transformed, moving from its heritage of three former building societies to a full-service retail and commercial bank.

We successfully rolled out NeoCRM, our customer relationship management tool, which allows our customers to engage with us through any channel and be able to pick up the conversation where they left off through any channel

As part of our omni-channel customer experience we launched investment Hub, a digital end-to-end mortgage application process, the Kabbage online loan platform and rolled out a new customer relationship management tool

As part of our ongoing digitisation focus, we launched the Kitti and Spendlytics apps and were one of the first banks to support Apple Pay
Santander UK Group Holdings plc established as part of our new operating structure, to create a 'single point of entry' in case of resolution

1|2|3 World suite of products was launched - embodying our vision of Simple, Personal and Fair banking for all

In our commitment to be the 'Bank of choice' for UK companies, the Breakthrough programme was launched-bringing funding, expertise and business support to high-growth SMEs

Abbey, Alliance & Leicester and Bradford & Bingley rebranded as Santander UK

Alliance & Leicester plc transferred to Santander UK plc (acquired by Banco Santander, S.A. in 2008)

Bradford & Bingley savings business and branches acquired by Santander UK plc

Abbey National plc acquired by Banco Santander, S.A.
Multiple acquisitions take place with the expansion of Abbey National into other areas of banking, with brands acquired including Scottish Mutual, Cater Allen, Lombard and Scottish Provident, alongside the merger with National and Provincial Building Society
After banking laws were changed in mid-80s, Abbey National became the first building society in the UK to demutualise, with listing on the London Stock Exchange completed in 1989
Abbey National Building Society formed with the merger of two building societies; Abbey Road Building Society and National Building Society
Abbey Road & St. John's Wood Permanent Benefit Building Society established to use savings of members to provide mortgages for building their own homes
National Freehold Land and Building Society established aimed at securing voting rights by selling shares and using proceeds to buy land on the outskirts of London